article 2 5856525 2

Why Article Reviews?

In this Introduction to Banking course you will review a new article every two weeks; your first article review will be due during Week 02. In Week 11 you will compile a list of all five articles you’ve reviewed with brief descriptions and personal feedback for each.

The article reviews are designed to give you an opportunity to research and learn about current events that affect the specific financial issues discussed during the two weeks you are writing the review. The purpose is to demonstrate how information covered in this course applies to the current financial world.

Remember, the article review gives you a chance to research and learn about current events that affect the specific financial issues discussed during the two weeks you are writing the review. The purpose is to show you how the information covered in this course applies to the current financial world.

You may choose any article that fits the subject area of Weeks 7 and 8:

  • Depository Institutions’ Financial Statements and Analysis
  • Regulation of Depository Institutions

Suggested Article Sources

You may choose any article that fits the subject areas of Weeks 1 and 2.

For article sources, try,, and The Wall Street Journal at

World of Banks:

Content Requirements

To review the content requirements for this assignment, click on the link below; you may print out the requirements document for continued reference throughout the 11 weeks of the course:

Content Requirements

Format Requirements:

  1. One page long. (no more, no less)
  2. Single spaced. (Double spaced between sections)
  3. Font size: 12 point.
  4. Font type: Tahoma
  5. Margins: one inch all around.


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