assessment education

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This discussion has a digital requirement. Choose a digital tool to create a digital response that will address the content instructions below (e.g., Smore (Links to an external site.), Prezi (Links to an external site.), PowToon (Links to an external site.), Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.), or other presentation software). Depending on your chosen technology you may choose to create a Smore one page newsletter, a Prezi or Powtoon presentation or a screencast video.


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 8 in No Excuses Universityabout assessment, and watch the videos Formative Assessment (Strategic Assessment System, Part 1) (Links to an external site.) and Summative Assessment (Strategic Assessment System, Part 3) (Links to an external site.). You can also review the recommended resources for additional support.


Within your own professional experiences, reflect on No Excuses University’s (NEU) assessment concepts:

  • Assessment is not about the instructor, it is about the learner.
  • The role of leadership teams in creating an exceptional system for assessment.
  • The role of formative and summative assessments.

Content Instructions

Using the text and other resources, propose an exceptional system of assessment that addresses the following:

  • Describe how the learner should be the focus of the assessment within your system.
    • Consider how your view of the culture of universal achievement can be incorporated here.
  • Address the role of leadership teams in creating an exceptional system for assessment.
    • Consider how your system of collaboration can be incorporated here.
  • Define the role of formative and summative assessments.
    • In your definition, explain the differences between these two assessments and provide an example of each one.
  • Describe how you plan to use or could use this exceptional in your career. Provide a specific example related to assessment practices.
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