assignment 2 case study

Assignment 2: Case Study

By Thursday, November 15, 2012, read the Case Study and answer the questions that follow.

Q1. Based on what you have read and researched in our class, how would you describe the corporate culture at Trader Joe’s? What motivational technique has Trader Joe’s used to gain a competitive advantage over other companies in the grocery or specialty industry?

Q2. Would changing the corporate culture at Trader Joe’s be difficult or easy? What could be a reason why the company might choose to change in the future? Please explain and support your rationale.

Q3. Evaluate why you think the culture at Trader Joe’s continues to work for the organization despite the many changes in the company over the years. Did the company culture seem to adapt at the company as it grew over time? Why or why not?

Q4. From what you have read in this excerpt, what are some of the employee motivational strategies/theories that Trader Joe’s implements in its culture? Would these strategies be effective and support your needs as an employee? Why or why not?

Q5. What additional ideas or recommendations would you suggest Trader Joe’s offer their employees to continue to be a trendsetter in corporate culture and organizational motivation techniques?

Submit a 4–5 page written analysis that addresses the above questions to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox. Be sure to include three to five supportive peer reviewed references to support your written work and follow APA formatting. Take into consideration the organizational culture in relation to employee motivation and individual behavior. Include an introduction and a conclusion.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Described the corporate culture at Trader Joe’s
Determined the motivational techniques used by Trader Joe’s to stay ahead of competition
Investigated the ease or difficulty of changing the culture at Trader Joe’s
Explored reasons the company may change in the future, supporting with rationale
Evaluated the reason the culture at Trader Joe’s continues to work in spite of changes over the years
Examined if the culture adapted as the company grew and supported answer with reasons
Summarized the motivational strategies/theories Trader Joe’s implements in its culture for employees
Analyzed if the same strategies would support their needs as employees and gave reasons for answer
Recommended ideas that Trader Joe’s could use to be a trendsetter in corporate culture and motivational techniques
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

For assistance with any problems you may have when completing this assignment—OR—to offer your assistance to classmates, please use the Problems and Solutions Discussion area located through the left side navigation link.


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