assignment 3 lasa 1 whole foods market inc and myaccountinglab 10782245 2


Assignment 3: LASA 1: Whole Foods Market, Inc. and MyAccountingLab

Review Whole Foods Market, Inc’s 2010 Annual report, company information and investor information(see the link: Whole Foods Market, Inc. Investor Relations in the webilography) and write a 5 7 page paper following APA guidelines which addresses the following:

  1. Summarize the company’s financial performance for 2010. Do you think they satisfied stockholder expectations? Why or why not?
  2. Explain three business risks or threats that might threaten Whole Foods ability to accomplish their financial goals for the next 3 years. Use examples and references to support your response.
  3. Describe three examples of control activities Whole Foods Market, Inc. could use to minimize these risks.
  4. What is your overall impression of Whole Foods Market, Inc.’s annual report? Is it a financial accounting document or a managerial accounting document? Who is the target audience? Did the annual report present a positive or negative image of the company? Provide support for your responses.
  5.  Whole Foods Market, Inc. Investor Relations < relations.php > [6/22/2016] Whole Foods Market, Inc. Investor Relations
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