Entries by Onesmus Patrick

How Health Insurance Impacts Preventative Care Paper

You have been asked by your private employer to create a handout to educate employees on how health insurance impacts preventative care. Be sure to include the following information: Covered preventative measures; Frequency of preventative care allowed; How utilization changes based on health insurance coverage; The impact of preventative care on the individual, organization. and […]


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The Measurement in Healthcare Quality Management Presentation

I need help with my presentation (cahpter 3: Measuring Performance) we need it like chapter 2 with addition to (good slides design) instructor put key words that grading will depond on (Key dimension of quality care performance: Safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, patient-centered, efficacy, appropriateness, availability continuity).  thanks These are the points that should be […]


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The Population Health Management in The Current Era Essay

Population Health Management  Research a minimum of four articles on the challenges of providing access to healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the population by considering patient demographics and geographic considerations. Explain the patient education strategies that are needed to overcome some of these challenges. Explain how this strategy supports the mission, vision, […]


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Agency that Regulates the Health Care Industry The Joint Commission Worksheet

Select and research one of the following agencies: Government or other agency, such as The Joint Commission (JCAHO), that regulates the health care industry or a particular segment of the industry Government agency that regulates prison health care Complete the Regulatory Agency Chart.   Looking for a similar assignment? Our writers will offer you original work […]


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Health System for Maternal Health and Child Care Paper

I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me learn.   “Discuss the progress and challenges of health system programs and policies related to maternal and child health ” compare both national and global levels.   Looking for a similar assignment? Our writers will offer you original work free from […]


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Functions of Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Paper

1 attachments Slide 1 of 1 attachment_1 attachment_1   Looking for a similar assignment? Our writers will offer you original work free from plagiarism. We follow the assignment instructions to the letter and always deliver on time. Be assured of a quality paper that will raise your grade. Order now and Get a 15% Discount! Use […]


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Budgeting in The Healthcare Industry Questions & Discussion

Terminologies, Vocabularies and Classifications Systems..Oh My!!! Classification ICD-10 CM Code resources:  http://www.icd10data.com/ Using the code resource link  answer the questions and share your experience: During a postpartum visit, a provider discusses the patient’s options for birth control. She decides to start taking birth control pills because she plans to try for another baby next year. The […]


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Week 4 Chapter 8 Heart of Yoga Summary

Read Chapters 8, 9 and 10 in The Heart of Yoga (Desikachar) and submit a 2-3 paragraph summary   Looking for a similar assignment? Our writers will offer you original work free from plagiarism. We follow the assignment instructions to the letter and always deliver on time. Be assured of a quality paper that will raise your […]


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Week 4 Changes in Health Behaviors Reflective Journal

Why is change so hard?  The purpose of this reflective journal is to analyze why making changes in health behaviors tends to be such a difficult process for most people. Part 1: Identify a person in your life who has tried to change a health behavior (it can be you if you choose). Some examples […]


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Healthcare Patients Law Critical Thinking Presentation

Public Law for Patient’s Right to Refuse Care Presentation  For this PowerPoint presentation, research current public health laws in place in Saudi Arabia for the patient’s right to refuse care. Identify at least three laws in place. For each law, be sure to: Indicate the law, its purpose and requirements enacted to meet the purpose […]


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