Entries by Onesmus Patrick

Estelle vs Gamble Supreme Court Ruling Provision of Inmate Health Care Case Study

Case Study # 5 (group) Develop a Briefing report (continue working on the case from week 3) covering all the following: Provide an overview of Estelle vs. Gamble and how that 1976 Supreme Court ruling pertains to the provision of inmate health care. Examine the challenges of providing health care in a correctional environment. What are the challenges of […]


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Week 4 Elements of Critical Thinking Discussion

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, in preparation for discussing the importance of critical thinking skills, Read the articles Common Misconceptions of Critical Thinking Combating Fake News in the Digital Age (Links to an external site.) 6 Critical Thinking Skills You Need to Master Now (Links to an external site.) Teaching and Learning […]


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Week 3 Importance of Researching on The Issue of Poverty and Income Inequality Discussion

Prepare: In preparation for this discussion forum, make a list of what you learned most throughout the process of researching your final essay topic, as well as difficulties you may have encountered along the way. Reflect: Think about what you have learned in the development of your research findings on the global societal issue you chose in […]


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Purdue Global Impact I Plan to Make as A Medical Doctor on My Community Essay

essay Impact I plan to make as a medical doctor on my community   Looking for a similar assignment? Our writers will offer you original work free from plagiarism. We follow the assignment instructions to the letter and always deliver on time. Be assured of a quality paper that will raise your grade. Order now […]


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Health & Medical Discussion

READ THE ARTICLE BELOW. CLICK THE LINK AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: What were the most important ramifications of this unethical behavior? https://www.annalsthoracicsurgery.org/article/S0003-4975(02)04323-0/fulltext   Looking for a similar assignment? Our writers will offer you original work free from plagiarism. We follow the assignment instructions to the letter and always deliver on time. Be assured of […]


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Kareo Company Medical Technology Paper

The final product in the form of a formal paper, must address these issues: Name of the product Uses of the product Integration with other information systems User friendliness of data entry and data retrieval Benefits of this particular software over similar types of software The implementation process you would use to implement the EHR Critically analyze […]


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Risk Management Discussion

I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.   Assessment Description Discuss the importance of accreditation as it relates to risk management. Using your chosen organization’s accreditation as an example, describe four or five requirements that the health care organization must meet.   Looking for […]


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Cleveland Clinic Strategic Planning Process Paper

1 attachments Slide 1 of 1 attachment_1 attachment_1   Looking for a similar assignment? Our writers will offer you original work free from plagiarism. We follow the assignment instructions to the letter and always deliver on time. Be assured of a quality paper that will raise your grade. Order now and Get a 15% Discount! Use […]


Looking for a similar assignment? Our writers will offer you original work free from plagiarism. We follow the assignment instructions to the letter and always deliver on time. Be assured of a quality paper that will raise your grade.
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Policy Brief Issue and Policy Options Discussion

I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.   Identify a STATE not federal policy issue that that you will write your policy brief on, as well as identify your policy options that you will expand upon in your final policy brief. Submit a […]


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Patient Safety and Quality Paper

2 attachments Slide 1 of 2 attachment_1 attachment_1 attachment_2 attachment_2   Looking for a similar assignment? Our writers will offer you original work free from plagiarism. We follow the assignment instructions to the letter and always deliver on time. Be assured of a quality paper that will raise your grade. Order now and Get a 15% […]


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