book review 1597507 2


Book Review Instructions


Choose only 1 of the designated books listed below for the Book Review assignment:




Robertson, P. (2004). Courting disaster: How the supreme court is usurping the power of Congress and the people. Brentwood, TN: Thomas Nelson. ISBN: 9780785297307.


Sutherland, M. (2005). Judicial tyranny. St. Louis, MO: The National Policy Center. ISBN: 9780975345566.




A book review is a to-the-point summary of 1 of the assigned books. It is essential that you write concisely while providing a comprehensive evaluation of the book. The review shall comport with the requirements of the Book Review Grading Rubric.




You will want to begin reading the book early in the course as it may help you with your Discussion Board assignments. Your paper will be checked for plagiarism via SafeAssign.


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