BUS 499 M1 A3

Assignment 3: Harley-Davidson: Business Overview

Harley-Davidson: Business Overview for New Planning Team Members

As a member of Harley-Davidson’s strategic planning team, you have been asked to create a five- to six-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation titled “Harley-Davidson Today: A Brief Overview of the Business” to orient members who have been newly added to the strategic planning team.

The PowerPoint presentation should include at a minimum the following:

  • The CEO’s vision and overview of 2009 performance
  • The organizational structure and management team
  • A brief description of each of the brands/business units and the products and services offered
  • Key corporate goals and objectives such as new products, new markets, and new customers
  • Total Revenues in 2009 and Net Profit in 2009

Submit your orientation presentation to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox by Wednesday, July 20, 2016.

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Created PowerPoint presentation to provide an orientation overview of Harley-Davidson’s business.
Included in your presentation: the CEO’s vision and overview of 2009 performance
Included in your presentation: the organizational structure and management team
Included in your presentation: a brief description of each of the brands/business units and the products and services offered
Included in your presentation: key corporate goals and/or objectives such as new products, new markets, and new customers
Included in your presentation: total Revenues in 2009 and Net Profit in 2009
Presentation is clear, concise, and well organized; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


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