BUS COM (Discussion D)




Discussion D: Effective Presentations

Welcome. Please be sure to utilize the reading materials (and any outside sources) to support your position(s) and include proper APA citation (in-text and reference list) in your post.

INITIAL POST: (Minimum 300 words) – Due Week 1: Wednesday @ 11:59 pm EST

After reviewing the Course Materials, please respond to the following:

1. Watch David S. Rose: How to pitch to a VC
2. Watch Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread
3. Discuss the essential elements in giving effective, creative, and engaging presentations. Provide examples. Do you agree with David Rose? What are your takeaways the Seth Godin talk?

The initial post should be a minimum of 300 words and is due on Wednesday at 11:59 pm EST. Please be sure to utilize the reading materials (and any outside sources) to support your position(s) and include proper APA citation (in-text and reference list) in your post.


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