BUS COM (task 6)




Task 6: Electronic Communication



Effective electronic communication is critical to the success of an individual in business.

1. Watch: The Key Forms of Business Writing: E-mail

2. Complete the LYNDA tutorial on Email Communication

3. Work through How to Write Professional Emails

4. Read Writing Effective Emails.

5. From the Important Documents folder, download the Week Six files entitled “Email Examples Activity” and “Enhancing Likeability Via Email”. Upload the completed template to Moodle.


· Please be sure to complete the entire assignment to receive maximum credit for this task.

· Use and include information from the weekly course content and outside sources to support the conclusions contained in the paper.

· Be cognizant of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

· All sources should be cited in proper APA format (in-text citations and a reference list).

· This assignment is due on Sunday at 11:59 pm EST.


1. Identify five (5) business-related websites on the internet. Categorize these websites from best to worst based on professionalism and how effective you believe each is at communicating the purpose of the organization. Be sure to provide support for your conclusions.

2. Next, identify a page used by an organization on a social networking site (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) that relays professionalism and effectively relays its purpose. Once again, be sure to provide support for your conclusions.

Discuss your responses in a 500-word essay. Be sure to use course content and address key points from what you have learned in the course about communication. Submit the essay to Moodle.


· Minimum 500 words (excluding title page and reference list); 12-point Times New Roman Font and double-spaced.

· Please be sure to answer the entire question to receive maximum credit for this task.

· Use and include information from the weekly course content and outside sources to support the conclusions contained in the paper.

· Be cognizant of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

· All sources should be cited in proper APA format (in-text citations and a reference list).


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