business class discussions 1

(((for each one you should write 8 full lines minimum))))

M01 Discussion #1

Why is ethical communication important? Please give an example of a company that could have practiced better ethical practices.

M01 Discussion #2

How are blogs, wikis, and other Web 2.0 technologies changing the practice of business communication? Please give examples.

M01 Discussion #3

How do you think company managers from a country that has a relatively homogeneous culture might react when they do business with the culturally diverse staff of a company in a less homogeneous country? Please feel free to use examples.

M01 Discussion #4

Eleven million people in the United States are allergic to one or more food ingredients. Each year, 30,000 of these people end up in the emergency room after suffering allergic reactions, and hundreds of them die. Many of these tragic events are tied to poorly written food labels that either fail to identify dangerous allergens or use scientific terms that most consumers don’t recognize. Do food manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure consumers read, understand, and follow warnings on food products? Explain your answer.

Discussion Directions:

After you type your initial posting and replies by Saturday at 11:59 PM. When you reply, ALWAYS type the name of the classmate you are responding to, and your name at the bottom of the message. Make sure to use professional grammar and punctuation in this college level course in all correspondence. Please avoid “text” or “twitter speak” when corresponding.

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