capitalism and investment

The new model costs $150,000 (delivered and installed), with an expected life of 5 years. The company expects that the new equipment will cost approximately $1,000 more in utilities than what it now pays. The company will also spend $500 per month for an extended warranty. The new model is more complex and requires hiring someone to program it. The base salary of this new employee will be $36,000, plus applicable payroll taxes and benefits, which add up to be an additional 20% per year. However, the company projects that the new equipment will be much faster, and it would be able to fulfill $75,000 worth of extra orders per year. The management believes that the cost of capital would be 10% and that after the equipment is fully depreciated, the equipment will have 0 value and will be discarded.  

You have been hired to determine the following:

Part 1

  • What is the cash flow projection for this equipment, annually, for the next 5 years?
  • What is the NPV for this project?
  • What is the IRR for this project?
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