Categorical Data Analysis

Answer the following questions in complete sentences and using APA style. Upload to the Assignments section in Sakai.

1.      Is chi-square a parametric or non-parametric test? What assumptions apply for a chi-square test? .5 pt

2.      What type of data is a chi-square test appropriate for? .5 pt

3.      A nurse practitioner is interested in examining a relationship between perceived health status (poor – excellent) and the presence or absence of chronic disease. Use chronicD_Summer 2016.sav.

a.      Write the null and alternative hypotheses. .5 pt

b.      Run a crosstab and copy and paste the output table here. .5 pt

c.       Manually calculate the expected frequency for each cell in the crosstab and use these frequencies to calculate the chi-square statistic. (Show your work.) 2 pt

d.      Using the chi-square statistic and the critical value for alpha of .05 (see Appendix C in your textbook), determine whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis. 1 pt

e.      Run the crosstab again, but this time select the option for a Chi-square test and Phi and Cramer’s V in the Statistics box. Copy and paste the Chi-Square Tests output table here. 1 pt

f.        Report the … Read the rest

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