chapter review in marketing research 1

BOOK MUST BE USED ONLY!!! i WILL GIVE THE LINK TO THE BOOK WHEN YOU ARE ACCEPTED. Here is the template if you would like to use it INCLUDED. Each question must be throughly answered!! which could mean several paragraphs to a few sentences.

. All answers MUST be in your own words unless the question asks for a direct definition or to list specific information. I want you to show you understand the concept. I do not want to know how good your copy/paste skills are, so DO NOT copy and paste from the textbook or PowerPoint. I do realize your answers will include the same or similar words to the textbook or PowerPoint. Just make sure you have taken the information and explained it on your own when possible.

Each question is worth 5 points. Some questions will be more difficult, or include more parts but others will be much simpler, so everything should balance out.

Chapter 8
1. What are the three basic types of research used to collect primary data? What is the basic purpose of each?
2. What is the important point to recognize from the start about causal research according to the textbook?
3. To say that one thing caused another, what three conditions must be met?
4. What is the difference between internal validity and external validity? Which form of validity is more important?

Chapter 9
1. Discuss the difference between cross-sectional and longitudinal designs.
2. What is a sample survey? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
3. What types of primary data interest marketing researchers most? What are the differences between the types of data?

Chapter 10
1. What are the general advantages and disadvantages of obtaining data by communication? By observation?
2. What is the key ethical issue with the use of disguise in observation research? How is this issue typically remedied in disguised marketing research projects?
3. What are three available types of mechanical observation? Explain how they are used.

Chapter 11
1. Define the following and give an example: fixed alternative questions and open ended questions. (Do not copy the examples from the book.)
2. Differentiate among the four (4) main methods of administering questionnaires.
3. What are the advantages of higher degrees of structure? What do researchers gain through the use of lower structure?
4. How might a researcher combine different methods of communication in the same project? Give an example.

BONUS: Watch this video about Tobii Pro Glasses 2. Explain two ways the glasses could be used in observational research shown in the video. Worth up to 5 points.

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