childhood development due asap

CHFD 215 Assignment 1 Paper Guidelines

At the end of Week 4, you will submit a 500 1000 word paper for your state childcare center regulations.  You will need to include the following

  1. Name, address, phone number, website of the agency
  2. Qualification requirements for each of these kinds of personnel:
    1. Teachers
    2. Directors
    3. Assistants
  3. Discuss some of the requirements for the physical space, numbers and ages of children served, and nutrition and meals in each of these settings:
  4. Day care centers
  5. Home based day care

If you would like, for formatting you can use a table to provide all of this information.  A recommendation for the table formatting /set up would be

Agency Information

Personnel Qualification Requirements

Requirements for Day care centers

Requirements for Home based day care




Physical space:

Physical space





Number and ages of children served:

Number and ages of children served:

Phone number:



Nutrition and meals:

Nutrition and meals:




If you choose not to use a table, then you are expected to use level headings.

Possible Level headings (bolded information below)


Agency Information        

Provide Name, address, phone number, website of the agency


Qualification requirements       

Provide qualifications for teachers, directors, and assistants


Other Requirements Day care centers

Provide requirements for physical space, numbers and ages of children, nutrition and meals


Other Requirements Home based day care

Provide requirements for physical space, numbers and ages of children, nutrition and meals


Make sure that if you have questions or comments concerning the specifications for this assignment that you contact the instructor immediately.   Make sure to use the internet, public library, or your program’s professional library to obtain information on the state agency that regulates childcare centers and homes where you live. 



Grading Rubric

Possible grade

Student grade

The paper addresses the issues specified by the assignment



The author shows insight and sophistication in thinking and writing



Paper was well organized and easy to follow. Paper was the required length, is double spaced with 1 inch top, bottom, left and right margins, and in Arial or Times New Roman styles, size 10 12 font. Cover page, paper body, citations and Reference list were in the correct APA format.



Few to no spelling, grammar, punctuation or other writing structure errors








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