choose one situation to address this assignment must be in essay format your essay should bea minimum of 500 words

Choose one situation to address. This assignment must be in essay format. Your essay should bea minimum of 500 words. You must use correct grammar, correct punctuation, and complete sentences.

Your essay must also be in MLA, APA, or AP format. If you are not familiar with these essay formats, please refer to The Purdue Owl website and use whichever essay format you prefer.

Use your book to help you with this assignment. Use key terms from the chapters we have read so far, and you may read ahead, as well. However, please make sure your assignment is written in your own words. If your assignment contains more than 20 percent of material from outside sources, you will receive a 0 for this assignment. If you choose to use outside sources for this assignment, you must include a Works Cited page.

This assignment must be completed by Sunday, January 26 at 11:59 p.m. CST. For each day this assignment is late, you will receive two points deducted from your final score. For example, if your assignment is one day late, the best you can make is a 8/10 (or an 80).

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