Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Access the following to complete this Assessment:

Writing Effective PICO Questions

When embarking on a project to change practice in some way, a good first step is always to develop a well-formed question on which to base your research. This helps the development team maintain focus on the issue and locate useable research. In addition, a well-formed question will bring to the forefront any issues you may have with research whether it be issues of ethicality or availability of information. In this assessment, you will analyze and appraise a series of PICO questions and develop a PICO question of your own on which you will focus your literature search and intervention strategies in EP4003 and EP4004.

This assessment has two-parts. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.

Part 1: Identifying Well Written and Poorly Written PICO Questions
For this section of the assessment, you will be presented with a series of nursing practice questions. For each question, you will, first, identify the elements of the question (population, intervention, comparison, outcome). You may also include time and settings if applicable. Next, you will analyze the question and identify any reasons that this question could be considered “poor.” This includes considerations of ethicality, availability of research on the topic, and any particular vagueness that would make the question difficult to research. Finally, based on your assessment of the elements of the question, and on any concerns that you identified, you will determine if the question is well written or poorly written.

To complete this part of the assessment, you will use the PICO Question Worksheet. You will insert your answers directly on the chart provided and submit the document when you are finished.

Part 2: Writing an Effective PICO Question
After assessing a series of PICO questions and appraising each, you will now draft your own PICO question based on a clinical nursing issue that you have noticed within your practice. This topic should relate specifically to your own practice and should not attempt to change a problem in nursing as a whole. To start out, write a brief explanation of the problem that you are drafting your PICO question around. Explain why you came to choose this topic and describe any additional support you have for the issue whether it be formal or informal (e.g., observations in practice, conversations with other healthcare professionals, articles on the topic in journals or magazines, etc.) Once you have introduced the topic, develop your PICO question and identify its elements. This should be about two pages in length.
Use of the PICO format assists in formulating an evidence-based question by defining the population, intervention, comparison, and outcome. The use of the format assists in preparing to search related evidence-based literature. Read the textbook excerpt and  template for understanding of the purpose and elements of a PICO question. These resources can be very useful when creating your own PICO question in your Competency Assessment.

Chapter 18: Contribute to a Patient Care Conference and Join a Project Team (p. 320-322)

Brown, S. J. (2018). Evidence-based nursing: The research-practice connection (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Time Estimate: 60 min

Using PICO(T)

American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (n.d.). PICOT questions template. Retrieved from
Time Estimate: 15 min

documentWhat is a PICO Question?
documentPICO Question Formation
Creating a PICO Question

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