Community Health

AssignmenPurposeDemonstrate EBP competencies by identifying a clinical problem and using EBP Steps (0-6) as described in chapter one (pp. 3-23) in Evidencebased Practice in Nursing HealthcareGuide to Best Practice

Anticipated Time CommitmentIt is anticipated that it will take a minimum of 5-10 hours a week over the course to complete this learning activity.

Assignment Formatting

  1. 1. Create a word document and save the file with last names of team (if applicable) and EBP

Project (i.e., freeman and jones EBP Project). Use APA Manual Writing Style and Formatting for this written EBP paper. This includes a title page, double spacing, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1-inch margins, page numbering, level of headings as instructed below, etc.

  1. 2. General Assignment Directions
  1. This assignment will be completed in steps. See Table below other directions for each

step(s). The written EBP project will be a “running” paper. This means the entire paper will be submitted each due date with appropriate EBP Step(s) completed. See example

EBP Paper under the EBP Project tab in Bb. 2. Faculty may assign students to work alone or in small groups. If students work at the care organization, they may request to work together to complete the project. 3. Use the “Making EBP Real: A Success Story” sections in (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt)

as examples and headings to complete the written EBP project.  Nursing 4220 Community Health Assignment

Duin Assignment Dropbox accordinto the Course CalendarIf the assignment isubmitted 24 hours past due datepoints will be subtracted frofinal pointsIf submitted 48 hours or more past the due date10 points will be subtracted frofinal points.

Step 3: Critical Appraisal of Evidence

Comprehensive Course Calendar

Create a narrative from a preliminary search of peer-reviewed evidence related to the clinical problem. You and your partner (if applicable) may have experience with the problem and can use clinical expertise to “set the stage” for the EBP project. If working in pairs/small groups each member of the team should submit completed Step 0 to Assignment Dropbox by the due date posted on the Comprehensive Course calendar. Formulate a searchable, answerable clinical question using PICOT for the selected clinical issue. Search for evidence related to the clinical issue and complete a narrative summary of the evidence. If working in pairs/small groups each member of the team should submit completed Steps 1 and 2 to Assignment Dropbox by the due date posted on the Comprehensive Course calendar. Use the Rapid Critical Appraisal of evidence tool (see Table 1.2 below) to appraise 3 studies (external evidence) found during your search for evidence. NOTE the example in the table. THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE. DELETE AS YOU INCLUDE YOUR APPRAISALS. NOTE You may have found more than 3 studies related to your project, but only 3 studies need to be appraised. After appraising the studies submit a narrative (see “Making EBP Real” examples) Place the Rapid Critical Appraisal table after the narrative. In addition to this section of the paper, the individual/small group will prepare a PowerPoint presentation to present to the cohort on EBP Steps 0-3. Grading tool is found in Bb. Develop the PowerPoint presentation for EBP Steps 0-3 following the PowerPoint presentation grading tool. All members (if applicable) should participate and be prepared to present a portion of the presentation to the class. If working as a team each member of the team should submit completed Step 3 to Assignment Dropbox by the due date posted on the Comprehensive Course calendar. Creative license may be taken with these steps as all information will not be available. Narrative should include how you believe evidence will be integrated and what outcomes and evaluation may be anticipated. If working as a team each member of the team should submit completed Steps 4 and 5 to Assignment Dropbox by the due date posted on the Comprehensive Course calendar. The narrative for Step 6 should indicate anticipated plans for dissemination of findings Include a statement or two related to what was learned from completion of this project and if working in pairs positive and/or negative experiences working as a team. Develop the PowerPoint presentation for EBP Steps 4-6 following the PowerPoint presentation grading tool. All members, if applicable, should participate and be prepared to present a portion of the presentation to the class. Each member of the team should submit Step 6 to Assignment Dropbox by the due date posted on the Comprehensive Course calendar.

Steps 4 (Evidence Integration) and 5 Outcome Evaluation)

See Comprehensive Course Calendar

Step 6: Dissemination

See Comprehensive Course Calendar

Nursing 4220 Community Health Assignment

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