Comparison of Approaches to Presentation in Business Discussion




Prior to beginning work on this assignment, complete Level 1 of the EI Games: Presentation Skills Course and watch the following videos How To Connect With Your Audience At A Core Level (Links to an external site.) and What Makes a TED Talk Great? Essential Element #7: Emotional Connection (Links to an external site.).

Level 1 establishes the foundation for effective business presentations based on emotional intelligence principles aiding the effort to connect with an audience. As suggested in the Level 1 material, emotions influence decision making. As such, a strong connection with the target audience is imperative. Level 1 activities introduce the following concepts:

  • The emotional motivation
  • Building your team
  • Choosing the emotional motivator
  • Relationship building
  • Reading the room
  • Emotive interviewing
  • Clues in surroundings

While reflecting on the material offered in the Presentation Skills Course and developing your paper, consider prior learning and prior work experience, in addition to the material presented. Disagreeing with the principles presented in Level 1 is appropriate. However, do not reject the offered principles out of hand. Support acceptance or rejection of the offered principles with critical thinking and sound reasoning. To complete this assignment, you will need to select one of the approaches offered in one of the above videos to refer to in the below bullet points.

In your paper,

  • Compare and contrast the selected approach with the approach selected in Level 1 of the EI Games: Presentation Skills Course.
  • Summarize a minimum of four significant differences between the selected approach and the approach selected in Level 1 of the EI Games: Presentation Skills Course.
  • Explain which of the approaches would work best in your workplace environment, based upon the results of your comparison exercise and your knowledge of your operating environment.

The EI Games Presentation Skills Course: Connecting With Your Audience paper

  • Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length
  • Apa format


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