complete 3 short history discussions
[On Triumph of the Will – please watch the first 50 minutes of this video, which is a record of the Nazi Party rally at Nuremberg in 1934:] Keeping in mind that the German people had just been through years of war and inflation, and were going through the Depression, why might the scenes portrayed have made viewers want to join the Nazi Party?
[On Triumph of the Will] In what ways was Hitler’s speech to the youth similar to ordinary political speeches such as one might hear in an American election? In what ways was it different? Would you say it is more similar or different?
[On Triumph of the Will – please watch the first 50 minutes of this video, which is a record of the Nazi Party rally at Nuremberg in 1934:] Keeping in mind that the German people had just been through years of war and inflation, and were going through the Depression, why might the scenes portrayed have made viewers want to join the Nazi Party?