construct b tree file 9 cylinders disk highest key values 9 cvlinders are cylinder 11234 cyl

Problem: 5. Construct a B tree for the file on 9 cylinders of the disk. The highest key values on the 9 cvlinders are: cylinder 1:1234 cylinder 2: 2345 cylinder 3: 3456 cylinder 4: 4567 cylinder 5: 5678 cylinder 6: 6789 cylinder 7: 7890 cylinder 8: 8991 cylinder 9: 9992 a) Each index record has 4 key value pointer pairs, and the number of index records at the lowest level of the tree is the minimum. b) Each index record has 2 key value pointer paks, and the number of index records at the lowest level of the tree is the minimum.
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