Cost Classification and Variable and Fixed Costs Excel Task

 Cost Classification and Variable and Fixed Costs Excel Task




Use the given operational costs in the Milestone One Operational Costs Data Appendix Word Document  to complete the first two tabs, “Cost Classification” and “Variable and Fixed Costs,” in the Project Workbook Spreadsheet.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Cost Classification. Accurately classify all your costs in the “Cost Classification” tab of your workbook.
    • Identify direct material, direct labor, overhead, and period costs. (Note: Fixed and variable costs have been classified for you.)
  • Variable and Fixed Costs. Complete the “Variable and Fixed Costs” tab of your workbook. (Note: Some costs are provided for you. Fill in only the missing costs.)
    • Determine your total variable cost per unit and the total fixed costs for each product.


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