Course Project 2 and 3




Part One: Deliverable 2 – NoJax Employee Personality Analysis


This competency will allow you to evaluate employee makeup and utilize that understanding to create relationships within the organization.


NoJax is finally ready for you to start in-depth evaluations of organizational behavior at the micro level. Start by viewing the NoJax Company Background document and cross referencing the employee profiles with the organizational structure provided. This will give you an idea of what managers are working together. Pay particular attention to the given personality trait scores, education, and experience for each manager. From there, start to form an opinion about how these managers will be working together, both positively and negatively. The section on policy will also provide some context on working conditions and employee interaction. Senior management would like you to write a report providing analysis of your observations.

Address the following in your report:

  • Taking into consideration industry, job, and organizational fit, explain which Big Five personality trait you believe is the most important for NoJax management to seek out during an interview process. Support your choice with observations from the case document.
  • Taking into consideration industry, job, and organizational fit, explain which Big Five personality trait you believe is the least important for NoJax management to seek out during an interview process. Support your choice with observations from the case document.
  • Provide an in-depth analysis of a minimum of four of the management pairs working together utilizing personality scores and employee background information. For example, you might choose Design Manager Alice Bloom and Lifting Shoes Manager Anam Basra. For each pair, identify potential strengths of them working together and two potential weaknesses of them working together. This does require some hypothesizing based on employee personality traits scores and background information. Considering job tasks and job design helps here too.

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted Does not choose a Big Five personality trait as the most important to the business’ success and/or include job, industry, and organization-fit in analysis. Does choose a Big Five personality trait as the most important to the business’ success. Analysis takes into consideration job, industry, and organization-fit. Analysis is underdeveloped and missing key connections between variables. Does choose a Big Five personality trait as the most important to the business’ success. Analysis takes into consideration job, industry, and organization-fit. Analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between variables and includes 2-3 specific observations from the case document. Does choose a Big Five personality trait as the most important to the business’ success. Analysis takes into consideration job, industry, and organization-fit. Analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between variables and includes 4 o more specific observations from the case document.
Not Submitted Does not choose a Big Five personality trait as the least important to the business’ success and/or include job, industry, and organization-fit in analysis. Does choose a Big Five personality trait as the least important to the business’ success. Analysis takes into consideration job, industry, and organization-fit. Analysis is underdeveloped and missing key connections between variables. Does choose a Big Five personality trait as the least important to the business’ success. Analysis takes into consideration job, industry, and organization-fit. Analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between variables and includes 2-3 specific observations from the case document. Does choose a Big Five personality trait as the least important to the business’ success. Analysis takes into consideration job, industry, and organization-fit. Analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between variables and includes 4 or more specific observations from the case document.
Not Submitted Does not compare and contrast the personality traits of four management pairs and/or provide strengths and weaknesses for each pair working together. Compares and contrasts the personality traits of four management pairs and provides 1 strength and 1 weaknesses for each pair working together. Analysis is missing thorough consideration of industry, job, and organization-fit is underdeveloped or missing key connections between variables. Compares and contrasts the personality traits of four management pairs and provides 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses for each pair working together. Analysis includes thorough consideration of industry, job, and organization-fit. Connections between variables is evident and demonstrates clear understanding of concepts. Compares and contrasts the personality traits of four management pairs and provides 3 or more strengths and 3 or more weaknesses for each pair working together. Analysis includes thorough consideration of industry, job, and organization-fit. Connections between variables is evident and demonstrates clear understanding of concepts.

Part Two: Deliverable 3 – NoJax Structure Analysis


This competency will allow you to break down the structure and purpose of an organization and how it aligns with employee objectives.


In your continued role as the organizational behavior consultant for NoJax Inc., you have now been tasked with analyzing the current structure of the business and how it’s impacting employee behaviors.

Use the NoJax Company Background document as a reference, and pay special attention to the policy and structure sections of the document. Write a report for senior management that provides observations on the overall structure of the business and the implications it may have on organizational behavior. Be sure your report addresses the following:

  • Choose a minimum of three of the six organizational behavior structure characteristics (span of control, chain of command, etc.). Describe each in terms of how they’re used within NoJax’s structure, and provide an opinion about whether it has a positive or negative influence on NoJax’s organizational behavior. Be sure to support and explain your opinion with observations from the background document.
  • Identify the type of organizational structure that NoJax is currently using. Provide an opinion about whether it has a positive or negative influence on NoJax’s organizational behavior. Be sure to support and explain your opinion with observations from the background document.
  • Rank decision-making power, creativity, and ease of communication from most important to least important for NoJax’s success. Explain if you think NoJax’s current structure is effectively cultivating the characteristic you have ranked as most important. Be sure to support and explain your opinion with observations from the background document.

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted Does not correctly identify three organizational behavior structure factors and/or analyze their impact. Correctly identifies three organizational behavior structure factors and demonstrates basic understanding of their impact. Analysis of impact is underdeveloped and missing key connections between factors, observations, and behaviors. Correctly identifies three organizational behavior structure factors and analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between factors, observations, and behaviors. Analysis is supported by a minimum of two observations from the case. Correctly identifies four or more organizational behavior structure factors and analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between factors, observations, and behaviors. Analysis is supported by a minimum of three observations from the case.
Not Submitted Does not correctly identify the type of organizational structure and/or analyze its impact. Correctly identifies the type of organizational structure and demonstrates basic understanding of their impact. Analysis of impact is underdeveloped and missing key connections between structure and behaviors. Correctly identifies organizational structure and analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between structure and behaviors. Analysis is supported by a minimum of two observations from the case. Correctly identifies organizational structure and analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between factors and behaviors. Analysis is supported by a minimum of four observations from the case.
Not Submitted Does not rank organizational characteristics and/or analyze if they’re being cultivated in the current structure. Does rank organizational characteristics and demonstrates basic understanding of how to use structure to cultivate them. Analysis of structure is underdeveloped and missing key connections between structure and characteristics. Does rank organizational characteristics and analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between factors and behaviors. Analysis is supported by a minimum of two observations from the background document. Does rank organizational characteristics and analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between factors and behaviors. Analysis is supported by a minimum of four observations from the background document.…


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