criminologist advisor 0

Resource: Criminology in the 21st Century: Classical School of Thought in Criminology.

Imagine the following scenario:

You are the criminologist advisor to a member of the state legislature. The legislature will soon vote on a bill that, if it passes, would double the maximum prison term for anyone convicted of armed robbery. Your boss knows the bill is popular, but wonders if it will do much good.

Consider policy making as it relates to criminal offenses. What recommendations would you make? What are the reasons for your recommendations? Is this a good bill or a bad bill? Is this bill effective?

Prepare a 750 to 1,050 word proposal addressing the following:

  • Objectives of the bill
  • Goals of the bill
  • Possible solutions for the bill
  • Justification for why the bill should be approved or not

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


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