csc113 3 3slp
assignment is about files, python scripts, compute de average, median and the mode of a list of numbers.
This project requires the following steps:
- Read chapter 14 in the background reference, Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Version 1.3.3). Implement and run all examples and exercises in the Python IDLE environment. Save your programs into Python files.
- Read chapter 10 in the background reference, A Byte of Python. Implement and run all the examples and exercises in the Python IDLE environment. Save your programs into Python files.
- Build a module that contains three functions that do the following:
Compute the average of a list of numbers
Finds the statistical median value of a list of numbers
Finds the mode of a list of numbers
If you don’t know what the statistical median and mode of a list of numbers are, visit the following website:
Descriptive Statistics from MathWorld (
Save your resulting module from the Python IDLE to a Python file.
4. Write a program that allows you to do the following five operations:
Prompt the user to input a list of numbers (Hint: be sure to have a way for the user to indicate that they are done finished providing the list of numbers)
Open a file that contains a list of numbers
Compute the average, statistical median, and mode of the list of numbers
Store your answers in another file
Asks the user whether they want to see the answers and if the answer is yes, opens the file and displays the numbers
Implement this program in the Python IDLE editor and run and debug it. After you have completed the program, save it to a Python file.
Write a one page paper describing your efforts in the above 4 requirements. Combine this writeup and all the saved Python files into a zip file.