Customer-Driven HR Costs and Benefits

Assignment Choice #1: Customer-Driven HR Costs and Benefits: Assessing the Business Case for Training

Read “You Manage It! 2” in Managing Human Resources (2016, p. 258). After reading the case, complete the following items:

  • Write a summary of the case,
  • Answer the critical thinking questions, and
  • Elaborate on two key learnings from the case related to training and development and its integration with the organization. Be sure to clearly state the two key learnings and defend them in well-organized, scholarly responses.

A key learning is defined as significant knowledge gained from reading the case. You may choose to explain your key learnings by offering a real-world application, personal insight, your thoughts and opinions about what was stated, how it is handled at your company, etc.

Please arrange your summary, questions, and key learnings in a well-organized, scholarly response of 2-3 pages. Support your observations and opinions with citations from 2-3 credible sources documented according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

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