data collection 3361037 2

Descriptive data can be gathered both quantitatively and qualitatively during research.

  1. Using the knowledge and insights gained from the assigned readings and other reliable sources; select an evidence based topic and then develop three open ended questions and three close ended Likert type questions that could be used to gather data on this topic.
  2. End your discussion by addressing the benefits and limitations of questionnaires and face to face interviews.
  3. Provide at least three citations with full references to credible nursing scholarly articles supporting your definitions and discussion.

In order to earn full discussion points, the following criteria must be met in full:

1.     Provide an initial post on or BEFORE Saturday.

2.    Post more than 2 comments per Discussion topic on separate days  (resulting in total participation on three different days throughout the discussion). At least two comments include a citation.

3.    Frequently attempt to motivate the group discussion.

4.    Answer all discussion question points with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer reviewed sources (Scholarly sources… NOT internet sites).

5.    No errors with APA format.

6.    Consistently use Standard American English with no misspellings. Appropriate mechanics and formatting.


7.    The initial post must at least 200 words.  This does not include repeating the DB question or the citations and references.

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