Describe physical and motor development whil explaining the five selves




Please read carefully this is a 2 part assignment…..

Assignment 1:

By the end of the week students will compose a research-based essay and informational brochure focusing on ‘movement from before birth toddler years’.

Part 1: Essay

In your essay, provide a comprehensive explanation of:

  • Moving Before Birth: Fetal Growth and Behavior
    • To include fetal growth, stimulation from the outside, fetal movements, etc.
    • Newborn Movements
      • To include spontaneous movement, reflexes, moving the face, sucking/swallowing/chewing, speech, and facial gestures, holding objects, etc.
      • Movement in the Toddler Stage
        • To include learning to walk, balance and navigation, locomotion, etc.

Your essay should be 2000 words and should include at least three (3) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

Part 2: Brochure

Create a research-based brochure that provides parents with a visually appealing compilation of movement from pre-birth to toddlers. Include pictures with captions, at least three references, and ensure that this is helpful tool that will help parents track movement milestones.

Be sure to use all 6 panels on the brochure wisely and include a solid balance between text and graphics. References must be included on this brochure.

Assignment 2:

By the end of the week students will compose a research-based essay and informational brochure focusing on the Five Selves. This essay must be in APA format with a minimum of five (5) professional references.

The Whole Child text is a practical methods book for foundational or introductory courses in early childhood education. It explains how to teach and care for young children from infancy through Grade 3 in ways that foster healthy development. It helps pre-service teachers understand what children need from the learning environment in order to thrive. For that reason, it focuses on the child and pictures him or her as composed of a number of selves: the physical self, the emotional self, the social self, the cognitive self, and the creative self.

Part 1: Essay

In your essay, provide a comprehensive explanation of each of the Five Selves.

  • Physical Self
  • Emotional Self
  • Social Self
  • Cognitive Self
  • Creative Self

The explanation will include, but is not limited to:

  • The benefits of developing each
  • Research connected to each self
  • Specific strategies that educators can implement to develop each self

You will use the text as your guide, but you will also use outside research by citing a minimum of five (5) professional references.

Part 2: Brochure

Create a research-based brochure for families that outlines the Five Selves. Include:

  • Explanation of each self
  • The importance/benefits of developing each self
  • One specific strategy that families can implement for developing each self in children

Be sure to use all six panels on the brochure wisely and include a solid balance between text and graphics. Three (3) references must be included on this brochure.


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