Digital marketing strategy
Assessment Brief in detail
The site that you will be creating a Digital Marketing Strategy for will be
The Digital Marketing strategy will require 2 tactics as a minimum one will be a Social Media Marketing plan.
1. Introduction – a brief outline of who they are, what their current online presence and Digital Marketing strategy is (if any), who their audience is and where they are online
2. Research – get as much information on the current state of their online presence and digital marketing strategy
• Know Their Business:
i. Identify their Product/services
ii. Identify what channels/platforms they are currently doing Digital Marketing on. Provide details on how you found this information
iii. Gather data on how they are performing on those channels/platforms. Provide details on how you found this information
• Know Their Customer:
i. Identify their target audience(s) and describe them. Explain why
ii. Identify where their customers can be found on various channels/platforms. Provide details on how you found this information
• Know Their Competition: Analyse their Competition
i. Provide a competitive analysis of at least 1 direct competitor
• Know Their Goals: What do they want their customers to do?
i. What Goals/CTAs is their site designed to have visitors do
3. Analysis – based on your research above,
• Are they targeting the right audience? Why?
• Are they on the right channels/platforms? Why?
• Are they utilising those channels/platforms effectively? Why?
4. Strategy – Based on your analysis above, suggest your own strategy for that brand and explain
• which channels and platforms would best suit and why
• which audience would best suit and whY
• what actions should they take and why
• what targets and timelines should they aim for (assume €5k budget and 3 month campaign) and why
5. Measurement – Suggest ways that they can measure and monitor their performance
• Identify key metrics that would be important to track and explain why
• Identify measurement tools that can collect data on suggested platforms and explain what they do
Document structure should be based on the above sections … Introduction, Research, Analysis, Strategy and Measurement … pretend you are presenting this work directly to the company … make sure you would feel proud to deliver the strategy to them.
While there is no firm maximum or minimum word limit, you should be aiming for 2000 – 6000 Words (and images) … please try to be as concise as possible