discussion 10 the categorical imperative and moral action

Consider the Categorical Imperative that Kant formulates in the reading from his work “Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals”:
“I ought not act, less I should can will my maxim to become universal law.”
Prompt: What is the difference between categorical and hypothetical imperatives? Is it or is it not the case that the Categorical Imperative (we should only act in such and such a way, that in every such instance we could act that way) provide appropriate direction for a course of moral action? Consider specifically the response to the objection to Kant’s position of the Inquiring Murderer.
Required Reading: Immanuel Kant “Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals”
Recommended Reading: “Kant’s Moral Philosophy”, Introduction, Sections 1, 2, 3, & 4 < http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant-moral/index…
Remember: A response consists of more than one word or simply agreeing. Please cite all passages in the text (including page number) and cite all outside information according to MLA guidelines. Your answer should have AT LEAST 3 responses (possibly more), aside from your original post. You will always be required to create a post responding to the discussion prompt (300-600 words), before viewing any responses of other students. Please review your work carefully before you submit since you will not be allowed to edit it afterwards (i.e., type and edit your responses in a WordDoc before posting.) Additionally, each discussion board requires you to respond to at least three other students (50-100 words per response).

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