discussion 2370

A) choose one of the religions being studied in this Module (Yoruba, Hinduism, or Buddhism). Write a comprehensive essay in which you answer the following questions: (500 words)

Paragraph 1: Explain Professor Prothero’s explanation of the problem confronting humanity according to your chosen religion.

Paragraph 2: According to Professor Prothero, what solutions does your religion suggest for human beings so that they can overcome the problem? Note that solutions are prescribed BELIEFS (theology) and ACTIONS (ethics). These are what people must do and believe in order to overcome the problems.

    1. What actions must human beings take in order to overcome the problem? What actions must they avoid?
    2. What must human beings believe in order to overcome the problem?

Paragraph 3: what resources does the religion offer to human beings to help them overcome the central problem confronting humanity? Note that resources are sacred time, sacred people, sacred texts, sacred rituals, etc. These are the support system offered by the religion to support a human being in their work to overcome the problem.

B) write 10 slides about the following

  • Who was Jack Abramoff?
  • What did he do?
  • How did he impact legislation, policy, and politics in the U.S.?
  • In what way was he guilty of corruption?
  • How can the U.S. Government be managed in order to stop this type of corruption from occuring in the future?
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