Discussion Post -Osteoarthritis Treatment

According to the National Institutes of Health, osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects approximately 27 million Americans. Research and report on what OA is, why it is so prevalent in our society, who’s at risk and what the long-term complications are. There are a number of treatment options for OA, from over the counter (OTC) to prescription medications, physical therapy, surgery, joint replacement and alternative therapies (such as chiropractic care and acupuncture) – each with their own benefits and side effects.

What is the best treatment option for OA for a 50-year-old individual who has moderate osteoarthritis in a knee joint with no torn cartilage or ligament damage? Please be specific with your treatment recommendations and justify your reasoning and advice with your research and pros/cons of your therapies. Is there one that is better over the other? 


DUE by 8PM Central Time on 4/29/2015

THIS IS A DISCUSSION POST< ONLY NEED ABOUT 2 paragraphs…APA format not needed


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