“DUE” Date vs “DO” Date




As educators, it is important to teach students the difference between “DUE” dates and “DO” dates. For instance, many students here at Ashford University have shared that they often wait until right before the “DUE” date to begin to “DO” their course assignments. Those same students have shared this practice always results in lower scores in the course.

It is important to learn to chunk tasks over several days to make them more manageable, as this creates opportunity for more feedback, input, and improvement.

Your mission for this discussion prompt is to identify which of the “Six Pillars of Character” you will access and how you will use the pillars to support a classroom discussion about avoiding procrastination and task management.

  • Explain the “DUE” date vs “DO” date principle in in your response.
  • Make sure you share the plan that you generate to and discuss how you will teach your future students to abide by the “DUE’ date vs “DO” date.


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