Due less then 5 Hours. Two different papers.

Answer the following question in essay format. I will take points off for issues with grammar and spelling. Use multiple paragraphs and answer the question in your own words. Weave your thoughts into a coherent narrative and explain the concept in a way that a reader with no information could understand your ideas. Double space and use MLA format.Your essay must be a minimum of 600 words and a maximum of 800 words. Submit a file format that can be opened in Microsoft Word. Do not enter your response into the submission box.

Plagiarism will result in an F for the course and I am not anticipating you needing to use any sources outside of those provided for the course. Should you include outside sources you must provide parenthetical citations in the body of your work and a bibliographic entry for each source.

1) Choose three factors from the audio lecture on Federalism that would explain why federal power surpassed state power as the dominant power in our federal system. Discuss how and why those factors led to a federalist system with national power at the forefront. Some of the factors that you might look at, certain sections of the constitution for instance, will required you to explore how and why the interpretations of those sections changed over time.

Answer the following question in essay format. I will take points off for issues with grammar and spelling. Use multiple paragraphs and answer the question in your own words. Weave your thoughts into a coherent narrative and explain the concept in a way that a reader with no information could understand your ideas. Double space and use MLA format.Your essay must be a minimum of 600 words and a maximum of 800 words. Submit a file format that can be opened in Microsoft Word. Do not enter your response into the submission box.

Plagiarism will result in an F for the course and I am not anticipating you needing to use any sources outside of those provided for the course. Should you include outside sources you must provide parenthetical citations in the body of your work and a bibliographic entry for each source.

1) Explain the concept of the State of Nature. You should address the following issues in your answer: What is the point of the theory? I.e. what is it trying to explain? What are the problems humans face in the state of nature? What is it about the state of nature that makes us face those problems? How do we leave the state of nature? What is the social contract. Why is it significant? What is popular sovereignty? Why is it significant?

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