Due : Saturday January 10 at 12pm (afternoon) EST- MUST BE ORIGINAL!!!

Identify a company with which you are familiar. This could be your place of employment, a car wash, a yard service company, and so forth.

Create an MS PowerPoint Presentation in which you describe the current state of your selected company’s supply chain and an identified process.

Required Elements:


  • Describe the company’s supply chain (Starbucks)
  • Identify a process internal to the company that you wish to analyze.
  • Describe the process internal to the company that you wish to analyze.
  • Identify an appropriate design approach for the process you have chosen.
  • Create a high-level AS IS process flow chart using an appropriate tool.
  • Identify at least one metric to measure the process and its application (how, what, when, and who).
  • Use an appropriate tool to collect data for each step of the process.
  • PowerPoint includes 4-5 slides with detailed speaker notes.
  • Must be consistent with APA guidelines.      
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