eco204 0

Suppose that, in an attempt to raise more revenue, Nobody State University increases its tuition. Will this necessarily result in more revenue? Under what conditions will revenue (a) rise, (b) fall, or (c) remain the same? Explain this process, focusing on the relationship between the increased revenue from students enrolling at NSU despite the higher tuition and the lost revenue from possible lower enrollment. If the true price elasticity were 1.2, what would you suggest the university do to expand revenue? If you were the president  of NSU, how would you  tackle this problem based on  what you have learned in this course?

Your paper will need to include a title page, reference page, and in text citations that are formatted in accordance with APA style  as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center . Also, your content should be three to five  pages, which does not include your reference or title page. You will need to include two to three  academic sources from the Ashford University  Library  to include in your paper as part of your research to support your work and analysis.

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