english comp

After you have selected a topic, written a thesis statement and supporting points, compose a 350-50

(1-2 pages) argument essay defending your thesis statement with supporting points, logical reasoning and evidence based on your knowledge and experience. Do not research the topic or use outside sources.

This formal essay assignment should be formatted as follows:

  1. An introduction paragraph which defines the issue and states your thesis statement at or near the end of the
  2. introductory paragraph.
  3. At least three body paragraphs, each stating a main point in support of your thesis. Each main point must
  4. be supported with logical reasoning and evidence (specific details to explain and illustrate your points).
  5. A concluding paragraph should summarize main points and thesis.
  6. IMPORTANT: Do not research this essay or include any citations. Please submit your assignment.Afteryou have selected a topic, written a thesis statement and supporting points, compose a 350-500 (1-2 pages) argument essay defendingyour thesis statement with supporting points, logical reasoning and evidence based on your knowledge and experience. Do not research the topic or use outside source. 
  7. and i assume you know how to format a formal essey 

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