essay 619

Explain in detail (using your readings/presentations from this module/week to support what you say) the relationship between abuse and addiction in adolescence. How does abuse or addiction affect the developing brain of an adolescent? How does a healthy spiritual development effect the likelihood of use/abuse/addiction in the adolescent years? Discuss local news coverage of alcohol or drug related stories to adolescent use in your area. Give details on the prevalence of addiction based on your readings and the news stories.


Make sure to support everything you report with at least 2–3 current (no more than 7 years old). APA citations and then a reference page at the end. Review the Essay Grading Rubric before submitting. Your paper must be at least 600 words.


Please use as one  of the references:

Feldman, R. S. (2014). Development across the life span (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN: 126962198X 


and first from drug and alcohol abuse to helping others overcome for the local news coverage



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