Estelle vs Gamble Supreme Court Ruling Provision of Inmate Health Care Case Study

Case Study # 5 (group)

Develop a Briefing report (continue working on the case from week 3) covering all the following:

  1. Provide an overview of Estelle vs. Gamble and how that 1976 Supreme Court ruling pertains to the provision of inmate health care.
  2. Examine the challenges of providing health care in a correctional environment.
  3. What are the challenges of providing health care to a female offender population that may not exist in a male prison?
  4. What framework would you apply to the strategic planning? Why?  (HINT: Remember all the available frameworks that you learned in the  previous classes as well as in this class to make a correct choice;  justify the final choice through the collaborative ).
  5. Identify what information and evidence you have to apply to the  strategic process steps. Identify appropriate evidence you still need to  correctly use the strategic planning process. (HINT: make sure to list  all types of evidence you need)
  6. Identify appropriate evidence you still need to correctly use the  strategic planning process. (HINT: make sure to list all types of  evidence you need)
  7. Identify the sources of the needed evidence. Offer the stakeholders able to provide you with the evidence you are seeking.
  8. Develop decision-making matrix and identify appropriate solutions to the case. Read more about decision-making matrix.
  9. List potential implementation challenges and offer ways to offset them.

The report should be no more than 10 pages including the table, the matrix, and the title+reference pages.


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