Ethical Decision Making and Ethical Leadership

An employee working in customer service at a large company arrives at her desk and finds a package from a customer she recently spoke with. Inside is a gift card for $50 to an expensive restaurant to thank her for her assistance, which ultimately saved the customer money. She remembers that the company has a code of conduct policy against accepting gifts from customers, but she thinks that it may only pertain to gifts of a larger amount. Unsure what to do, she reaches out to a leader in the department for insight.

In your discussion post complete the following:

  • Choose a stage from the Kohlberg Model and construct an email response from the business leader in response to this dilemma. Make sure the response reflects the characteristics of the chosen stage from the Kohlberg model.
  • After composing the email, predict how that leader’s approach to business ethics might impact the organizational culture.
  • Describe how the leader’s decision and advice to you regarding this issue might change over time.

Guided response:
Review several of your classmates’ postings. Respond to at least two classmates by commenting on the email they constructed from the business leader in regard to this scenario. Share which characteristics of the selected stage in the Kohlberg model are evident in the email. Expand on how an email of this nature impacts organizational culture.

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