Ethical issues in Nursing practice

Paper instructions: “On Golden Pond” and “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” are available on YouTube.There is also a full play (not the theatrical movie) of “Driving Miss Daisy.”

Select a movie to watch from the following list
On Golden Pond (1981) Norman is a curmudgeon with an estranged relationship with his daughter Chelsea. At Golden Pond, he and his wife nevertheless agree to care for Billy, the son of Chelsea’s new boyfriend, and a most unexpected relationship blooms.Cocoon (1985) When a group of trespassing seniors living in a retirement home in Florida swim in a pool containing alien cocoons, they find themselves energized with youthful vigor.

Grumpy Old Men (1993)A lifelong feud between two retired men, neighbors since childhood, only gets worse when a new female neighbor moves in across the street.Driving Miss Daisy (1989) An old Jewish woman and her African-American chauffeur in the American South have a relationship that grows and improves over the years.

The Bucket List (2007) Two terminally ill older men escape from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die.The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) British retirees travel to India to take up … Read the rest

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