Federal Laws

For this assignment, you will complete a presentation that highlights a case that involved one of the federal laws studied in this lesson. You may select a case in which a health care organization violated the False Claims Act, Antitrust laws, or Income Tax laws.

From the textbook or your own research online, find a health care organization that violated one of these federal laws. Provide an overview of the case. Describe the role of the compliance officer in this type of case. What could be done to prevent this type of violation from occurring again?

For this assignment, you can create either a PowerPoint or a brief video presenting the details of the case and your analysis.

Submission Instructions (choose one):

Include the term Federal Laws and your Last Name when saving your file. Example: Federal Laws_Garcia.pptx
Upload your completed file using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button.
Follow these Panopto instructions to record and submit your video.
Include the term Federal Laws and your Last Name when saving your video. Example: Federal Laws_Garcia
Click Write Submission, paste your share link in the Text Submission area and then click Submit.

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