final paper do not resuscitate requestsissues dnr

Your Final Paper must include the following regarding your chosen topic: 

      1.   Identify a legal/ethical issue or dilemma within your topic.


      2.   Provide the history of the issue or dilemma. 


      3.   Present current resources to address the issue or dilemma. 


      4.   Evaluate alternative or better solutions for the issue or dilemma addressed. 


    5.   Analyze the potentiale effects of this issue and predict how they may be addressed in the future.

Additionally, you must address at least three of the course learning outcomes as they apply to your selected topic.  For example, you could address the Patient’s Bill of Rights as it pertains to a do not resusicate (DNR) order.  Or, you could discuss the elements of autonomy, fidelity, and confidentiality as they are incorporated in the ethics of organ donation.  The three outcomes you select must be explained in relation to your selected topic.  

The course learning outcomes are as follows:

      1.   Analyze the evolution and application of moral theory and ethical principles in health care. 


      2.   Discuss the elements of autonomy, fidelity and confidentiality. 


      3.   Explain the legal rights of individuals as they interact with health care services. 


      4.   Explain the process, including cultural diversity, for ethical decision making. 


      5.   Analyze the monitoring systems that ensure human rights, legal aspects, and quality health care. 


      6.   Discuss the implications of the Patient’s Bill of Rights. 


    7.   Analyze selected ethical and legal case studies that have promulgated precedent setting decisions.

You must utilize at least eight to ten scholarly and/or peer reviewed sources that were published within the past five years (not including the textbook).  You may also supplement your paper with interviews of agency personnel, comparisons of similar governmental agencies in varying communities or service populations, updates on current legislative initiatives in the area, and ethical analyses of the issues and services involved with the current situation(s) analyzed.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

      1.   Must be eight to ten double spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


      2.   Must include a title page with the following:


        a.   Title of paper


        b.   Student’s name


        c.   Course name and number


        d.   Instructor’s name


        e.   Date submitted

      3.   Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.


      4.   Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.


      5.   Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.


      6.   Must use at least eight to ten scholarly and/or peer reviewed sources that were published within the past five years.


      7.   Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


    8.   Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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