financial markets 3 questions need good answers not copies 0

(1) Summarize in your own words which institutions have the most worldwide impact in our current economic environment. Why? Which are best posed to assist in a worldwide economic recovery? Has it been effective? Why or why not?

(2) What are your thoughts for future trends in financial markets and institutions? For example, what will be the forecasted impact of continuing mergers of stock markets. In December 2012, it was announced that the company was being sold to Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), a futures exchange headquartered in Atlanta for $8 billion. NYSE and Euronext now operate as divisions to IntercontinentalExchange.   What do you see having great potential for worldwide expansion? Which Markets or Institutions are in decline? Why?

(3) Explain in your own words what the financial crisis is all about. How did it get started? What industries are affected? Why did it blow up so quickly? In other words, what happened?? What steps are being taken by the Government, the FRB, the SEC, as well as by private industry to turn around the economic recession?

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