Find peer-reviewed articles in the Herzing library or use business journals/articles.


·        Find peer-reviewed articles in the Herzing library or use business journals/articles.

·        You must include a minimum requirement of 5-7 full pages of content (this does not include the title, abstract or reference pages) and 7-10 scholarly resources in APA format (refer to the APA manual for specific details) on the information researched from the article and your views as well.

·        You must also attach your performance appraisal tool as an appendix at the end of your paper in proper APA format.

·        You must present full pages of content in order to earn maximum points. Submitting less than the minimum full page requirement will result in a reduction of points.

·        Any written paper without appropriate citation and integration of authoritative sources will receive a 75% at best.

·        Post your submission as one Word document

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