fluid Mechanics Engineering HW?

Ships often have a center of mass / gravity above / higher than the centroid of displaced volume (buoyant center), but are still designed for dynamic stability due to hull shape design (watch video below).


A fully loaded cargo ship has a maximum metacentric height of 2ft, and a total maximum righting moment of 100 million lbs

The loaded ship has a total displacement of 100,000 cubic yards (seawater Ï’=64.6 lb/ ft3).

What is the maximum angular roll (side displacement) the ship can undergo?



Show / Draw your force relationships and show all calculations:



If a 50 ton load in the ship came unsecured and shifted from the center of the ships hold, 60 feet to the starboard side 

(assume this hold was at the same level of the ships overall center of gravity), 

what is the overall displacement of the center of gravity of the ship (in feet)?


Show / Draw force relationships and show all calculations:


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