fomc project one page

1. Summarize the action(s), if any, taken by the FOMC. (i.e. investment purchasing, monitoring of the federal funds rate, etc.) – paragraph 1

2. Explain in your analysis:

a. What was the FOMC’s rationale for taking these actions? – paragraph 2

b. What was the immediate effect of the announcement on the following economic indicators? This is done by showing the change in the closing prices of each of the three indicators. Then give a sentence with your opinion on why this change happened: – paragraph 3

a. Dow Jones Industrial Average

b. Interest Rates 1. 3-month Treasury Bill Yield 2. 10-year Treasury Note Yield

The DJIA average and the treasury securities should be the previous day’s closing price/rate and the closing price/rate on the day of the FOMC announcement. (i.e. the announcement is usually at 1 p.m. CST on the second day of the meeting).…

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