health law and regulation paper

Write a 1,400 to 1,750 word paper in which you explain the role of governmental regulatory agencies and its effect on the health care industry. Provide at least two examples of laws and regulations currently faced by the health care industry. Examples of such laws may include access to care, discrimination, health care privacy and security, employment, and so on. Include your analysis of the effect of these laws on the provider, hospital or clinic, or insurer that you select. Provide examples and specific cases in your examination. Include ways that you have seen this effect in your own life or community.


·         Explains the role of governmental regulatory agencies and its impact on the health care industry

·         Provides at least two examples of laws and regulations currently faced by the health care industry

·         Includes analysis of the impact of these laws on the provider, hospital or clinic, or insurer

·         Provides examples and specific cases in the examination

·         Includes ways that you have seen this effect in your own life or community

Include at least three peer reviewed references and no more than 10% a direct quote

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