healthcare paper 5 6 pages apa format excellent job grad level



Explore the following set of three [4] innovative healthcare alternatives: [Surgicenters, Telehome Care, “Day” Hospitals, and Hospital At Home] 

Surgicenter: A freestanding health care facility where surgical procedures are performed when an overnight hospital stay is not necessary.

Telehomecare (THC) is a subfield within telehealth. It involves the delivery of healthcare services to patients at home through the use of telecommunications technologies, which enable the interaction of voice, video, and health related data

Day Hospital a special facility, or an arrangement within a hospital setting, that enables the patient to come to the hospital for treatment during the day and return home or to another facility at night. 


Hospital at Home® is a care model for adoption by health care organizations that provides hospital level care in a patient’s home as a full substitute for acute hospital care. 


Part A       100 points

Separately describe the following 4 healthcare alternatives

(1)  Define and explain why their existence is viable.[20pts.],

(2)  structure  How it works and who is responsible.  [20pts.],

(3)    financing mechanisms  [30pts.] 

(4)  managed care impact  [30pts.]


Part B      80 points.

(1)     How has the insurgence of each of these healthcare alternatives financially impacted hospitals? [30pts.]   

(2)     Do they allow better management of current demand? Are they alternatives to hospital care or do they simply increase healthcare activity? [20pts.]

(3)     Is the result a more cost effective health service, a higher quality service, or both—or neither? [30pts.]

Be sure to Restate each question prior to answering. Explain and DEFEND YOUR ANSWERS.



a.        Reference Page with THREE (3) CURRENT PEER REVIEWED  [2012+] References with appropriate In text documentation (in APA[NOTE: .com references will not be accepted!] [Max. 10 pts deduction]


Paper in APA  format.   Introduction of topic and the information requested.  Conclude [Summarize] topic and subsequent information.  12 pt Times New Roman with Double spaced with I inch margins.  Cover (Title) Page, Pages Numbered AND running head. [Max.10 pts. deduction]

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