Healthy Aging
1. Interview an older adult: either living at home in the community or living in a setting such as assisted living or a nursing home.
If necessary, you may have to have a videoconference (in keeping with social distancing practice) and if so, the interview may be a little more challenging. 2. Choose from one of the topics (see options provided below) and discuss the interests of the older adult. 3. Write a 3-5-page paper: a. Introduction: Describe your impression of the atmosphere of the client’s home. Provide pertinent details about what you have observed to “set the stage” for the reader about the living environment of the client. If interview was conducted via videoconference (Zoom, FaceTime etc.) then have client elaborate on where they live, who lives there, what it is like etc. Get as much rich description as you can. b. Pick a topic (see options)to explore and describe the client’s reaction to the questions. What were your observations?